mercredi 17 mars 2010

Forward russia, a band you got to listen to !

Myself, i mean that's my person. Should i said that ? perhaps not.

Station's Girl

This picture got a special story, and i felt like i got to tell you this story.
We were waiting for our train , i don't remenber the name of the town where the action take place, anyway south germany in a really cold winter day ! And i saw this girl at a the other corner of the station, she was smoking a cigarette and she had a great outfit. She looked so cute !
We can't see her on the picture it's juste like a point trough the window, sorry !

mardi 16 mars 2010

Tiny day

A few old pictures, just for saying that i'm udapting my blog. Je les aimes quand même.

dimanche 7 mars 2010

Let us believe what is real

Fire camp Fire camp Fire Camp

J'ai hâte de faire de vrai feu de camp et de danser
autour comme pour célébrer le printemps qui arrive
malgré ces derniers flocons jetés par un Hiver qui ne veut
se laisser faire .